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Overture Immigration Services Inc.


A3D Immigration Solutions Inc.

The PNP Nomination


Pioneering Your Path: Achieving Canadian Residency Through the Provincial Nominee Program.


 We approached Satty Verma and Devesh Shankar from Segue Immigration for supervisa for my father-in-law after it was rejected when we had applied directly …….. 





The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a pathway to Canadian permanent residency that allows provinces and territories to select immigrants based on their specific economic, labor market, and demographic needs.


  1. Provincial Requirements
    Before applying for a PNP nomination, you must determine your eligibility based on the specific requirements of the province or territory you are interested in. Each province and territory has its own set of criteria for selecting candidates, which often include factors such as work experience, education, and language proficiency.

  2. Federal Eligibility
    In addition to meeting the provincial criteria, you must also meet the federal eligibility requirements for the immigration program you are applying for, whether you are using Express Entry or the non-Express Entry route.

Application Process

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI)
    Some provinces and territories require candidates to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) or a similar document. This is a preliminary step where you express your interest in being considered for a PNP nomination.

  2. Invitation to Apply (ITA)
    If your EOI is successful, you may receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) from the province or territory. This ITA is an official invitation to submit a PNP application.

  3. PNP Application
    You’ll need to submit a comprehensive application to the province or territory. This application typically includes documentation that supports your claims about work experience, education, and other relevant factors.

Provincial Nomination

  1. Assessment and Review
    The province or territory will assess your application, and it may request additional documentation or information. The decision to nominate you is based on the specific criteria and needs of that province or territory.

  2. Nomination Certificate (Non-Express Entry)
    If you are not applying through Express Entry, the province or territory will send you a Provincial Nomination Certificate by mail or email.

  3. Nomination Certificate (Express Entry)
    If you are applying through Express Entry, the province or territory will send a nomination certificate to your Express Entry account, and you can accept it electronically.

Federal Processing

Final Immigration Application
Regardless of whether you’re using the Express Entry or non-Express Entry route, you must submit a complete immigration application to the federal government, including all required documents, fees, and forms.

Permanent Residency

Medical and Security Checks
The federal government will conduct medical and security checks as part of the immigration process.

Confirmation of Permanent Residence

If all checks are successful, you will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence and can then make arrangements to move to Canada.

Permanent Residents

Express Entry

Provincial Nominee Program

Family Sponsorship


At Segue Immigration and Tours Ltd., we are committed to turning your Canadian dream into reality. Our comprehensive services encompass the entire PNP nomination process and go beyond to make your settlement in Canada a seamless experience.

Super visa

Canadian Citizenship

Work Permit

Family Sponsorship

Start-up Visa

Study Permit

Post Graduation Work Permit

Hire a Foreign Worker

Refugee Protection Program

Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)