A partner portal of

Overture Immigration Services Inc.


A3D Immigration Solutions Inc.

Segue Immigration and Tours Ltd

Guiding You to Seamless Journeys!

At Segue Immigration and Tours Ltd., we believe that the strength of our team is the cornerstone of our success.
Meet the individuals who are dedicated to making your immigration and travel dreams a reality.

Our Team

Welcome to the heart of Segue Immigration and Tours Ltd., where our passionate team comes together to transform dreams into reality.

With a wealth of experience in the realms of immigration, our dedicated professionals are the driving force behind our success.

Committed to providing unparalleled service and expert guidance, our team is your trusted partner on the journey to new horizons.

Meet the faces behind Segue Immigration and Tours Ltd., and discover the people who make your aspirations our mission.

Satty Verma, Founder of Overture Immigration Services Inc.

Satty Verma is deeply committed to delivering top-tier immigration services. His unwavering passion for assisting individuals and families in achieving their Canadian immigration objectives sets the standard for our team. Satty, a licensed member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC), ensures our clients consistently receive the highest level of ethical, transparent, and client-focused immigration assistance.

Satty Verma R708754

Devesh Shankar, Founder of A3D Immigration Services Inc.

Devesh Shankar  is a distinguished immigration professional with a strong Canadian immigration background. His impressive track record and deep expertise contribute significantly to our mission of offering comprehensive immigration solutions. Devesh’s commitment to excellence, coupled with his status as a respected Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC), aligns seamlessly with our focus on ethical and client-centered immigration services.

Devesh Shankar,  RCIC R710716​

Rajesh Kumar, Counsel at Asteria Law Professional Corporation

Rajesh Kumar brings a unique perspective to our team with his legal expertise.  Rajesh specializes in navigating the complex legal aspects of immigration.

His legal background adds a layer of depth to our immigration services, ensuring that our clients receive comprehensive and well-rounded support.

His understanding of the legal aspects of immigration, coupled with his business acumen, ensures that our clients receive comprehensive and well-rounded support.

Rajesh Kumar, LLB, MBA

Shruti Shah, Office Administrator

Shurti Shah, our Office Administrator, is the linchpin of our daily operations, guaranteeing office efficiency and offering vital administrative assistance.

Her remarkable organizational powers and keen eye for detail are instrumental in delivering top-notch client services.

In her role, Shruti ensures prompt scheduling of appointments, efficient document management, and clear and effective communication, allowing our immigration experts to concentrate on providing you with exceptional service.

Shruti Shah, Office Administrator

Why Choose Our Team?


Our experienced team has helped countless individuals and families on their journeys to Canada.

Client-Centric Approach

We acknowledge your unique dreams and aspirations, and our team listens carefully to tailor our services to your specific needs.


 Through our partnership with Satty Verma RCIC, Devesh Shankar RCIC, Rajesh Kumar, LLB and MBA, Shruti Shah, and other esteemed colleagues, we deliver a seamless and comprehensive immigration experience.


We acknowledge your unique dreams and aspirations, and our team listens carefully to tailor our services to your specific needs.

Contact Us

Ready to embark on your journey with Segue Immigration and Tours Ltd?
Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to inquire about our services.
We look forward to assisting you in realizing your dreams.

Segue Immigration and Tours Ltd.
329 Hansen Road North │Brampton │ON│L6V 2Y2│Canada
Phone/WhatsApp: 416-840-5915│ 647-534-4712
Email: [email protected]