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A3D Immigration Solutions Inc.

Canadian Citizenship Oath Ceremony


Charting Dreams, Claiming Canada: Your Citizenship Journey


 We approached Satty Verma and Devesh Shankar from Segue Immigration for supervisa for my father-in-law after it was rejected when we had applied directly …….. 



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Oath Ceremony

Becoming a Canadian citizen is a momentous occasion filled with pride and excitement. The Citizenship Oath Ceremony marks the culmination of your journey towards Canadian citizenship. It’s a celebration of your commitment to embrace Canadian values, uphold the law, and contribute to this diverse and welcoming nation. Let’s explore the significance of the Citizenship Oath Ceremony and what you can expect on this special day.

Understanding the Oath of Citizenship

The Oath of Citizenship is a solemn declaration that new citizens make to officially become part of Canada. It serves as a symbolic pledge to the country, its people, and the principles that define Canada. During the ceremony, you’ll recite the Oath of Citizenship, affirming your loyalty and dedication to your new home.

What the Oath Entails

The Oath of Citizenship is a pledge that encapsulates the fundamental values of Canada. It includes:

  • Allegiance to the King: You’ll express your allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, who represents the constitutional monarchy of Canada.

  • Fulfilling Duties: You’ll commit to fulfilling the duties of a Canadian citizen, including obeying the law, upholding democratic principles, and respecting individual rights and freedoms.

  • Serving Your New Nation: You’ll vow to serve Canada and its diverse communities while contributing to its growth and prosperity.

The Ceremony

The Citizenship Oath Ceremony is a significant event that brings together new citizens, their families, and friends. Here’s what you can anticipate:

  • Welcoming Remarks: The ceremony typically begins with welcoming remarks and congratulatory messages.

  • Oath Recitation: The highlight of the ceremony is the recitation of the Oath of Citizenship. New citizens, along with the presiding official, recite the oath, making it official.

  • Certificate Presentation: Following the oath, new citizens receive their Canadian Citizenship Certificate, a tangible symbol of their new status.

  • National Anthem: The ceremony often includes the singing of the Canadian national anthem, “O Canada.” It’s a moment of unity and pride.

  • Pledge to Canada: The ceremony reinforces your commitment to your new country and fellow Canadians.

  • Celebration: The ceremony is typically followed by a celebratory reception, allowing you to connect with other new citizens and share in the joy of this momentous occasion.

Video Oath Ceremony & In-Person Ceremonies

Most applicants will participate in a video oath ceremony (virtual citizenship ceremony) from the comfort of their own homes. This convenient option allows you to join the ceremony online, making the process accessible and inclusive.

Some applicants may be invited to an in-person ceremony. These in-person ceremonies provide an opportunity to take the oath in a formal setting with fellow new citizens and their families, creating a sense of community and celebration.

The Meaning of the Ceremony

The Citizenship Oath Ceremony is a celebration of diversity and unity, emphasizing that Canada’s strength lies in its multicultural mosaic. It’s a moment to reflect on your journey, your contributions to Canada, and the brighter future you’re building for yourself and your family.

Prepare for Your Ceremony
As you prepare for the Citizenship Oath Ceremony, consider the following:

  • Dress Respectfully: Choose attire that is respectful and appropriate for this formal occasion.

  • Arrive Early (Virtual Ceremony): For video oath ceremonies, log in a few minutes early to ensure you’re ready to begin on time.

  • Embrace the Moment: This ceremony is a profound celebration of your Canadian identity. Embrace the significance of the moment and take pride in your commitment to your new nation.

  • Invite Loved Ones: You can invite family and friends to share in the joy of this special day, whether in person or virtually.

  • Capture Memories: Don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture memories of this significant day in your life.

The Citizenship Oath Ceremony is an essential step in the journey to becoming a Canadian citizen. It marks the transition from permanent resident to a fully recognized member of the Canadian family. Embrace this moment and celebrate the opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead as a Canadian citizen.

Permanent Residents

Express Entry

Provincial Nominee Program

Family Sponsorship


If you have any questions or need further information about the Citizenship Oath Ceremony, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Super visa

Canadian Citizenship

Work Permit

Family Sponsorship

Start-up Visa

Study Permit

Post Graduation Work Permit

Hire a Foreign Worker

Refugee Protection Program

Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)